
Black Beauty


Black Beauty


     I read black beauty this week. This story about a horse called Black Beauty. In this story, the horse is the narrator, so we can imagine horse’s feeling.

     Black Beauty had a grandfather who can ran fast. The horses carry things and people. He is also cool and kind horse. The first master was very kind and good master for him. The master’s young divers were kind, too. The horse had a friend named Ginger. She had been treated badly before she moved to the master’s house, however, now she spend happy time with other horses and kindly masters. They worked and took care. Black Beauty did great work for people. He run faster for an ill woman and helped. He stopped walking because he found the bridge was likely to break, so the drivers were helped by him. He had good time, but he moved to different house because the master can’t take care of them. The horse moved to various place and was treated by some kindly and some badly masters. His last home was kind house and he spend happy time again.

     I have never read the horse’s narrator book, so I continued to read this book as if I were a horse. This book was showed animals was treated badly by some people. I am not good at animals, but I feel animals also have their feeling like us. I had thought it’s difficult to communicate with animal because we don’t speak same language, however, I found we can feel each other’s hearts by our acts. I recommend to read this book!


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